



もしもお時間がおありなら、投票の方お願いします。--何三S 2006年12月27日 (水) 13:25 (UTC)返信

お誘いありがとうございます。気にはなっているのですが.....-- 2006年12月27日 (水) 13:29 (UTC)返信
そうでしたか。お忙しいときに失礼しました。31日までやっているので、もしもまた来られたらお願いしますね。--何三S 2006年12月27日 (水) 13:44 (UTC)返信



Hello, I was wondering if you could modify Bosnian interwiki link on the main page "メインページ". Bosnian (Bosanski) is "bs" but starts 'bos' while Bulgarian (Bulgraski/Български) is "bg" but starts 'bul'. The English wikinews, German wikinews, Portuguese wikinews, French wikinews, Netherlands wikinews, Norwegian wikinews, Russian wikinews, etc. all use this system. Bosnian comes before Bulgarian. Thank you very much, if you have questions then feel free to leave a message. Greetings, Vseferovic (Bosnian wikinews bureaucrat)

Thank you for your inquiry. We have sorted the languages on interwiki according to the codes of languages, not English or other languages (including Japanese). If we would sort them according to Japanese, they come ar - it - en --- bg - bs - and so on. But I'll ask the community about it.-- 2007年1月3日 (水) 15:06 (UTC)返信
I submitted my idea to WN:RL. In my opinion we have no good reason to adopt latin alphabet order of the language expressed in English to our way of interlang sorting, since it is too much unfamiliar from some reasons: 1) we cannot expect every our editor can read and write English, so we cannot expect they know each language name in English and 2) anyway nor latin nor cyllic script is not our own daily script. We have Kana and kanji instead, and in this order Bu- should come before Bo- (vowel order is a-i-u-e-o in our system) instead latin script people custom.
I think kana order is good basically, however I prefer language code sorting due to consistency to other Japanese projects. So I would like you to understand we follow a different custom than yours. Thank you for your understanding. --Aphaia 2007年1月4日 (木) 10:31 (UTC)返信
No problem I understand. Serbian (which is written in both Cyrillic and Latin (official standards)) has the same policy. I did not know your policy, so I thought it was a simple mistake. Thank you for explaining. Greetings, Vseferovic (Bosnian wikinews bureaucrat)

DynamicPageList 2


Hi っ. I would like to know if m:DynamicPageList2 is implemented on WN-JA and, if not, if you would be interested to ask for its implementation. Some users of French Wikinews would ask for a quick implementation on this wiki, through a bug report on MediaZilla, and maybe it would have more chance to be heard if several Wikinews ask for that.   Hégésippe | ±Θ± 2007年1月10日 (水) 10:38 (UTC) (French talk page: fr:User talk:Hégésippe Cormier)返信

I have created a local poll about that in fr:Wikinews:Salle café#DynamicPageList2, before any request for implementation in MediaZilla. Hégésippe | ±Θ± 2007年1月11日 (木) 06:09 (UTC)返信

Forced user renames coming soon for SUL


Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 2013年5月3日 (金) 16:45 (UTC)返信

Forced user renames coming soon for SUL


Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 2013年5月3日 (金) 16:45 (UTC)返信

Forced user renames coming soon for SUL


Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 2013年5月3日 (金) 16:45 (UTC)返信



こんにちは。アルトクールと申します。本日はウィキニュース日本語版の管理者権限についてお知らせに参りました。先日、メタ・ウィキメディアにてm:Admin_activity_review/jaがグローバル方針として採用されました。これに伴い、ウィキニュース日本語版では条件を設けて、ウィキニュースで活動実績が長い間ない管理者に対して、権限を持ち続けるかどうかの確認または除去の案内をすることとなりました議論)。っさんは別の姉妹プロジェクトでも2年以上の活動が見られないことから、この通知を持って権限除去をメタに申請いたします。ご活動いただきましてありがとうございました。ウィキニュース日本語版ではお帰りをお待ちしておりますので、今後ともよろしくお願い致します。--アルトクール(/) 2014年7月8日 (火) 14:01 (UTC)返信