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:[質問] ウィキペディアは以前あるグループから攻撃されました。そのグループはウェブサイトを立ち上げ、100%事実に基づいているように法的に維持するように要求しました(以前、偽の経歴がウィキペディアに投稿されたケースに関連して)。この問題に対するEFFの姿勢はどうですか?
;<font color=#004400> [Question] Wikipedia was earlier attacked by a group, which has launched a website, claiming that Wikipedia should be upheld by law to have 100% factuality in their website (relating to an earlier case where a bogus biography was posted to Wikipedia). What is the EFF's stance on the issue?</font>
:[ダニー・オブライエン] あなたがいっているサイトについてよく知りませんが、明らかに私たちはこの問題についてウィキペディアを支援します。私たちはウィキペディアの処置にいかなる問題も認めません。
:<font color=#004400> [Danny O'Brien] I'm not sure of the site that you refer to, but obviously we'd support Wikipedia on this matter. We don't see any problem with Wikipedia's process.</font>
<font color=#004400>{{独自取材}}</font>
;<font color=#004400> [Question] There is an article on de.wikipedia (German) about the hacker "Tron". His full offline name is included in the article. A German court has issued an injunction preventing the Wikipedia.de website (the website of the German Wikimedia Foundation) from linking to the de.wikipedia site, which is outside the jurisdiction of that court. What does EFF think about such extranational effects of local laws? Does a person's name, especially a figure as well known as Tron, deserve special privacy? The order was obtained based on a proposal by the deceased hacker's family. And it should be pointed out that the hacker's real name was known for a long time.</font>
260 ⟶ 262行目:
''[[:en:Interview: Danny O'Brien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation|英語版ウィキニュース]]からの翻訳です''
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