- Wikinews hasn't yet adopted or developed a particular Code of Ethics, but several exist already, and there is even (at least) one being developed for adoption by Bloggers. For the time being, Wikinews writers may want to refer to these documents.
- Journalism ethics and standards (英語版ウィキぺディアの記事)
- 全米職業記者協会(US Society of Professional Journalists)Code of Ethics
- オーストラリア記者協会(Australian Journalists Association) existing Code of Ethics and proposed revised Code of Ethics (story | more)
- ラトビア・記者組合(Latvian Union of Journalists) Code of Ethics
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations Journalists' Code of Ethics
- UK Press Complaints Commission Code of Practice for print Journalists
- Bloggers' Code of Ethics
- BBC Editorial Guidelines
ウィキニュース ジャーナリストの倫理規定
編集- ==Wikinews Journalists' Code of Ethics==
- THIS IS ONLY A DRAFT. Please edit it as much as you would like.
"Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est" -フランシス・ベーコン Meditationes Sacræ. De Hæresibus. (1597)(翻訳:知識はそれ自体で力である)
- -Francis Bacon Meditationes Sacræ. De Hæresibus. (1597)(transl: 'knowledge is itself power')
ジャーナリスト及びレポーターとして、私たちは、真実の伝達と解釈において力を持っています。 私たちは読者と情報提供者の双方に対して義務があります。
- As journalists and reporters we have the power of the interpretation and delivery of truth. We have duties to both our readers and our sources.
- 独立
- 中立
- 誠実
- 説明
- To our readers we have the duty to be:
- Independent
- Neutral
- Truthful
- Accountable
- できる限り傷つけない
- 不正確に記述しない
- 記事のあらゆる面をとらえる
- 著作権、商標、特許を尊重する
- 匿名性を尊重する
- To our sources and subjects we have the duty to:
- Minimise harm
- Not misrepresent
- Get all sides of a story
- Respect copyrights, trademarks and patents
- Respect anonymity
編集- ==Ethical responsiblity to our Readers==
編集- ==Ethical responsiblity to Sources and Subjects==
編集- ===Minimise harm===
- It is essential that all risks of being offensive, misleading, or inconsiderate to subjects and sources is minimised. This is esspecially relevent to those engaging in original reporting. To minimise possible harm, the following checks are encouraged:
- 複数の情報源から検証を採ることによって事実が正しいか確認すること。
- できる限り記事の対象と連絡を取るように心がけること。
- もっぱら憶測や勘やおおざっぱな推測に基づいて公開しないこと。
- 公開の前に、記事に関わったすべての当事者のメンタルリストを作り、それぞれが記事についてどのように感じるだろうかと考えること。
- Ensure facts are correct by getting verification from multiple sources.
- Try to contact the subject of the article wherever possible.
- Do not publish an article based solely on speculation, hunches or wild guesses.
- Before publishing, make a mental list of all parties involved in the article and think about how each must feel about the article.
編集- ===Avoid misrepresentation===
どんな種類の取材であれ、取材された人が記事の最終的な文章を完全に快く思うことを確認することなく、公開してはなりません。もしそれが、取材を捨てることを意味したとしても - 取材された人を怒らせてしまったら、ウィキニュースの大きな損失となってしまいます - 私たちのために時間を取ってくれたことに敬意を持つことを忘れてはなりません。
- Do not publish any sort of interview story without ensuring that the interviewee is absolutely happy with the articles final text. Even if this means giving up the interview - Wikinews will only lose out if it offends interviewees - remember to respect that they have taken the time to talk to us.
編集- ===Get all sides of a story===
どちらかの側に偏ることを防ぐために、ひとつの議論の両方の側面からの資料と引用とが、記事に含まれているように保証してください。ひとつの記事の中で表明された意見がすべて単なる引用文であることはむしろ非常に望ましいことです。 - ウィキニュースはいかなることがらに対しても意見を持たず、常にニュース素材だけを持っています。
- Ensure sources and quotes from both sides of an argument are included in articles to avoid being biased towards either side. It is highly preferable that all opinions expressed in an article are merely quotes - Wikinews offically has no opinion on anything, however sources often do.
編集- ===Respect anonymity===
- Any source that requests to remain anonymous is fully entitled to this. No pressure should be applied to the source if they do not wish to be named. All sources should be given the option to remain anonymous upon first contact.
Case Studies
編集Case Study 1: Unverified interview
編集In May 2005, an excited Wikinewsie, saw what appeared to be a perfect chance to make a major scoop. There was widespread speculation at the time in the general media about the identity of a man who had turned up in England, but had refused to talk. This man had been dubbed by the press as the Piano Man because he was an excellent pianist.
Some weeks after the arrival of the man in England, an American Wikipedian contacted the Wikinewsie saying that he was quite sure that he knew who the man was: a British actor. On this single source, the Wikinewsie proceeded to publish an entire article about the speculative claims, backed up only by the one source. The source eventually turned out to be quite wrong, and there was considerable upset about the false claims. Although the author did make it clear at the top of the article that the article only had one unverified source, he did make the following significant mistakes:
- He did not attempt to contact the actor.
- He allowed a reference to a business partner in the final text of the article without making any attempt to contact the said business partner.
- He relied on a single source.
- He failed to consider the consequences if the article turned out to be incorrect.
- He failed to discuss the article extensively with other wikinewsies - missing the opportunity to have it properly proof read and warned that it was unverified.
The author subsequently apologised - but by that time many readers had been mislead, the subject of the article had been unfairly treated and misrepresented, the credibility of Wikinews had been damaged - and indeed the author's own credibility had been damaged.