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Morita42 (会話 | 投稿記録)
Kzhr (会話 | 投稿記録)
: Wikimedia Foundation fund drive
:The Wikimedia Foundation has turned to its constituency to cover basic operating costs as well as the ongoing capital expenditures which seem to grow at the same rate as Wikipedia's popularity: exponentially. From the first fundraiser in December/January of 2003/2004 (which raised about [[w:US Dollar|$]]30,000 after a server catastrophe) to the Fall Quarter fundraiser in 2005 (which raised $244,000), each fund raiser has met the goals laid out for it, usually in a very brief time frame.
:"We wish to cover two quarters," said Florence Nibart-Devouard, member of the Wikimedia Foundation Board.
:The draft budget for just the first quarter of 2006 is projecting costs of more than $400,000; and projections put the year's expenditures near $3.2 million over all. But beyond the general goal of covering the budgets for two quarters, the foundation has not placed a specific financial goal for their upcoming fund raiser.
; 100万から200万米ドルというのは、過去の予算から大きく飛躍しています。この予算の増加は募金キャンペーンのモデルのままで、持続可能なものですか?
:: [ウェールズ]それは未解決の問題ですが、私はそのように考えています。 ニーズの増大はトラフィックの増大を伴いますが、トラフィックの増大は私たちの援助の呼びかけに応えてくれる人を増やすことにつながります。うまくいけば、それらの2つのものが、一緒にまたうまく合理的に比例するのです。
:; 1-2 million USD is a big jump from the past budgets; is that kind of budget growth sustainable with the fundraiser model?
:: [JWales] Well, that's an open question but I think so. Needs increase with traffic increases, but with traffic increases we have a bigger audience to ask for help. Hopefully those two things scale together reasonably well.
:: [JWales] I don't know of any serious technical work being done on a distributed wiki model, but I'm personally a skeptic about whether such a model would serve our actual needs. I'm open to ideas though. :-)
; 目標額を設定しない募金キャンペーンは明確なゴール目標をもつものより、集まる資金が多くなるとお考えになりますか、それとも少なくなるとお考えですか。そして、それはなぜですか?
: [ウェールズ] 私は目標額がないほうが2つの理由からより多くの資金が集まると考えています。
: 第一に、私が思うには、人々はしばしば資金の集まる速さや集まり具合に注目し、目標に到達しそうなのを見て寄付をやめます。
: 第二に、他の大きなチャリティーの一般的なやりかたに従ったのです。目標額を決めないファンド・ドライブもよくあるものでります。私は彼らがもっともな理由があってそうするのだと考えます。いずれにせよ、やってみて結果をみてからでいいのではないでしょうか。
:; Do you think having an open fundraiser will bring in more or less money than having a fundraiser with a definite goal? Why do you think so?
:: [JWales] I think that having an open fundraiser will bring in more money, for two reasons.
: [ウェールズ] そうですね。今では一日中寄付を募っていますよ ^^
:; You have become a cause celebrecélèbre, and famous with the rise of the Wikipedia project. Are you using your celebrity to encourage the rich and famous people you’ve come in contact with to make donations?
:: [JWales] Yes. I'm now a full-time beggar. :)