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Kzhr (会話 | 投稿記録)
Kzhr (会話 | 投稿記録)
:: One thing which is certainly true at the moment: at the foundation level we are overwhelmed with work.
== Follow-on questions引き続いて質問 ==
:Follow-on questions
インタビューが進んで参加者が増えるにつれて、我々は簡潔にどのように我々の質問へ解答することで我々が何により深く迫りたいのか明示することを迫られた。それでインタビューはインタビューワが素早く質問を繰り出しウェールズ氏が素早く、簡潔に答えられる限り多く答えるという伝統的なpress conferenceに変わった。我々の全部は彼にもっと時間があって詳細や説明を聞けたらよいと願ってはいたが。
:As the interview progressed, with more and more observers, we got to that point where we really wanted to dig deeper into certain aspects of answers to our questions, but were short on time. Then it turned into a classic press conference, with interviewers tossing out questions rapid fire and Mr. Wales answering quickly and briefly to as many as he could... with all of us wishing we had more time to get more details and explanations.
; Today on en.wikipedia the ability to create new pages has been turned off for anonymous users. Is The Wikimedia Foundation slowly turning away from the original wiki principles?
: [JWales] ここかしこの私たちのモデルへの微調整がウィキの精神から離れるものなのか沿うものかなど気にはしません。
:; Today on en.wikipedia the ability to create new pages has been turned off for anonymous users. Is The Wikimedia Foundation slowly turning away from the original wiki principles?
:: [JWales] I don't view minor tweaks here and there to our model as either turning towards or away from wiki principles.
; 中国の大陸政府はウィキペディアをブロックしています。そして今日Onet.plは彼らの検索エンジンからウィキペディアを除外しました。このアクセス性についての変化はファンド・ドライブに悪影響を与えるでしょうか。
: [JWales] I don't view minor tweaks here and there to our model as either turning towards or away from wiki principles.
: [JWales] 私たちは以前から大陸からの寄付は対してありませんでしたし、そのポーランドの検索エンジンの例がポーランド語版ウィキペディアのトラフィックに悪影響を与えるか疑わしいものです(もっと多くの検索エンジンがそうすれば悪影響は出るでしょうがね!)。
:; The mainland People's Republic of China has blocked WP, and today Onet.pl has removed WP from their search engine. Will changes in accessibility harm the fund drive?
:: [JWales] We don't traditionally get much money from Mainland China, and I doubt if the Polish search engine example will hurt the traffic of pl.wikipedia very much. (It will probably hurt the search engine more!)
; [[w:ジョン・ローレンス・シーゲンソーラー|シーゲンソーラー氏の件]]と、グラハム氏の件もそうですが、匿名ユーザが投稿したものです。一つ目は重要人物の中傷キャンペーン、二つ目のはプレス・リリースの著作権侵害でした。前者が問題なのは明らかなのですが、後者はウィキペディアを広告サイトにする道を開くものではありませんか?
; The mainland People's Republic of China has blocked WP, and today Onet.pl has removed WP from their search engine. Will changes in accessibility harm the fund drive?
: ウィキペディアを広告目的で使う人々のことで大々的に問題になったことはありません。少数のユーザがあちこちでそうしているというのは確信していますけれども。本当に事件だと思うようなことにはなったことがありません。
:; [[w:en:John Seigenthaler Sr.|Mr. Seigenthaler's bio]], and we've just discovered Mr. Graham's, were posted by anons. The first was a smear campaign, the second a copyvio of a press release. Obviously the former is a problem, but doesn't the latter also open Wikipedia up to being an advertising site?
:: We don't have a huge problem with people using Wikipedia for PR purposes, although I'm sure a little of it goes on here and there. I've never seen a really convincing case.
; 私は主にスウェーデン語版のプロジェクトに参加しています。あなたはスウェーデン語がおできにならない、だものであなたが非英語版のプロジェクトを御覧になったことがあるのか疑っているんです。そもそも私たちの存在を御存知ですか?
: [JWales] We don't traditionally get much money from Mainland China, and I doubt if the Polish search engine example will hurt the traffic of pl.wikipedia very much. (It will probably hurt the search engine more!)
: :)
: 私はドイツ語を勉強していて、それでドイツ語版ウィキペディアを読んでみようとしています。そして、もちろん何が書いてあるかはわからないのだけれども、他の言語版も当然見ます。
; [[w:John Seigenthaler Sr.|Mr. Seigenthaler's bio]], and we've just discovered Mr. Graham's, were posted by anons. The first was a smear campaign, the second a copyvio of a press release. Obviously the former is a problem, but doesn't the latter also open Wikipedia up to being an advertising site?
: 他の言語版を見てしようとするのは、できる限り多くの人々と話し、出来る限りの人々と会い、統計のページでその言語版がどんな具合か見ることです。
:; I'm a contributor mostly on the Swedish projects. You don't speak Swedish, so I'm wondering if you ever look at non-English projects? Do you even notice us?
: We don't have a huge problem with people using Wikipedia for PR purposes, although I'm sure a little of it goes on here and there. I've never seen a really convincing case.
:: [JWales] :)
:: I am learning to speak German, so I do try to read German Wikipedia. And I do look at other languages, although of course I can't read anything there.
; I'm a contributor mostly on the Swedish projects. You don't speak Swedish, so I'm wondering if you ever look at non-English projects? Do you even notice us?
:: What I do to try to be useful to other languages is communicate with people as much as I can, visit people in person as much as I can, and monitor the statistics pages to see what is going on.
: [JWales] :)
: I am learning to speak German, so I do try to read German Wikipedia. And I do look at other languages, although of course I can't read anything there.
: What I do to try to be useful to other languages is communicate with people as much as I can, visit people in person as much as I can, and monitor the statistics pages to see what is going on.
== 出典 ==