
削除された内容 追加された内容
Aphaia (会話 | 投稿記録)
Aphaia (会話 | 投稿記録)
これは記事の書き方を示すものではありません。 - [[{{ns:4}}:記事の書き方]]は別文書で解説しています - このページでは、記事の中でなにが可能で何が不可能か、そして記事の中に何がなければならないかを示しています。
This guide does not tell you how to write an article - for that see [[Wikinews:Writing an article]] - but what can or cannot be in an article, and what ''must'' be in an article.
{{Policy nav1}}
[[w:ウィキペディア|ウィキペディア]]と違い、ウィキニュースは出来事が起こった時にそれを記録した記事によるサイトです。もし何かが変ったら、古い記事を更新しようとして編集しないでください。そうではなく、新しい記事を書いて、古い記事を参照できるよう、リンクを貼ってください。'''古い記事を修正するのは、現行の[[{{ns:4}}:スタイルマニュアル|スタイルマニュアル]]や内容についての指針に合っていないときだけです'''。もしあなたがあるトピックをとても大切だと思った &mdash; またはもしニュースの中で再三現れる &mdash; 時には、それについて「深層究明」ページを作って、関連するすべての記事からリンクしてください。
<!--== Write news articles ==
Unlike [[w:Wikipedia|Wikipedia]], Wikinews is a site with stories that chronicle the events when they happen. If something changes, don't edit an old article to update it: write a new one, and link to the old one for reference. Only fix old articles that don't follow current style or content guidelines. If you deem a topic very important &mdash; or if it keeps reappearing in the news &mdash; make an "In Depth" page about it and link all the related articles.
Before starting your first Wikinews story, you may want to familiarize yourself with [[Wikinews:What Wikinews is not|what Wikinews is not]].
30 ⟶ 18行目:
*ニュースは関係性のうちになりたちます。ローカルなニュースは、どうしてそれがウィキニュースの記事 - つまり、グローバルでインターネット上にあるということ - になりえ値するるのか、私たちの世界中の読者に関係性が説明される必要があります。記事は多数の人々に魅力的でなくてはなりません。
<!--===What is 'news'?===
Wikinews is for writing news stories, like those you read in the newspaper, or see on the television news.
* News stories focus on a single current ''event'' or ''phenomenon''. If developments to an on-going event or issue occur, start a new story, don't edit an old one.
* News is factual. Opinions should be sourced from qualified sources, and the fact that those people express those opinions becomes the fact that is reported. A qualified source is an organisation or someone who is taken seriously by the general public when commenting on a particular area of expertise. They should also be the most important relevant such source you can get, eg on law enforcement policy, the Commissioner of Police is better than a Police Constable. Comments from 'ordinary' sources with an interest is also useful, but only against the context of what the 'important' sources said.
* Articles ''must'' be written from a [[Wikinews:Neutral point of view|neutral point of view]]. News is reported in a unbiased way, and should not vilify or defame.
* News is relevant. Being Wikinews - global and internet-based - stories about local news may need to have their relevance explained for our international audience. Stories should appeal to a large number of people.
あなたのこれから書く物を肉付けするために、[[{{ns:4}}:リファレンスデスク|リファレンスデスク]]にあがっているニュースソースのいくつかを利用し、[http://www.google.com グーグル]や[http://www.yahoo.co.jp ヤフー]のようなサーチエンジンによって、背景を裏書きする情報を見つけてください。忘れずに、あなたが記事を書くのに使ったサイトのウェブアドレス(URL)を記録してください。他の編集者があなたの書いたものてあることが事実に基づいているかどうかを他の編集者が調べることができるように、あな後でそのサイトを引用し記事の[[Project:参考文献|参考文献]]として利用するときに、URLは必要になります。
<!--==Research your story==
Use some of the news sources listed in the [[Wikinews:Reference desk]] and find background supporting information via search engines like http://www.google.com and http://www.yahoo.com to flesh out your writing. '''Remember:''' Save the web addresses (URLs) to the sites you used, you will need them to cite your sources so other editors can see that you work is based upon facts.
You ''must'' quote your sources using the "sources" template, see [[Wikinews:Writing an article]].
If you want to obtain material which is not published elsewhere, or to create new first-hand material yourself, please refer to the [[Wikinews:Original reporting|Original reporting]] guide.
私たちの行う何かが事実に関だと主張するすべての主張のために、つねに、出典の明示は、最も重要です。 -- オンライン、オフラインの評判のあるメディアにしろ、私たちの独自の取材にしろ。個々の主張のために'''第一情報源'''を突き止めるようにつとめてください。[[{{ns:4}}:スタイルマニュアル]]に引用のスタイルが書かれています。また引用した出典の示し方は[[{{ns:4}}:参考文献]]をみてください。
<!--== Cite your sources ==
It is of utmost importance that we cite sources for any factual claim we make -- either in reputable online and offline media, or our own original reporting. Try to track down the '''first source''' that makes a particular claim. See [[Wikinews:Style guide]] for citation style.
<!--== Original reporting ==
Wikinews allows original reports if they are attributed to ''identifiable sources''. For now, anonymous reporting is not allowed. Please see [[Wikinews:Original reporting]] for ideas regarding the process.
93 ⟶ 51行目:
*[[wikisource:著作権法#第五款 著作権の制限|日本の著作権法 第五款 著作権の制限]]
<!--== Wikinews does not want to infringe copyright or other licenses or laws ==
Again, legal requirements as well as politeness and good relations demand that we police Wikinews and write without infringing licenses, copyrights, laws of secrecy and so on.
Follow the guide [[Wikinews:Content guide#Wikinews wants referenced articles|above]] to referencing and attributing and you are well on your way.
News reporting is protected in many countries as an important right that balances, to some degree, intellectual property laws such as copyright. You may even be forgiven by some if you report official secrets, though. The key is to only include as much as is necessary to tell the news, to attribute your source, and to only do so if there is a public benefit.
If in doubt, leave it out. There are often alternative sources for material if you can't get permission.
Some resources on this topic appear below.
* [[w:Fair use]]
* [[w:Fair dealing]]
* {{source|url=http://www.abc.net.au/corp/pubs/legal/copyright/copyright_default.htm
|title=ABC Copyright Handbook (Intra-Net version)
|pub=Australian Broadcasting Corporation
|author=ABC Legal Department
|date=1990, 1999, 2000 - viewed April 21, 2005 }}
* {{source|url=http://www.copyright.org.au/publications/infosheets.htm
|title=Information Sheets
|pub=Australian Copyright Council
|author=Australian Copyright Council
|date=viewed April 21, 2005 }}
130 ⟶ 60行目:
*[[{{ns:4}}:Template メッセージの一覧|Template メッセージの一覧]]
<!--==See also==
* Wikinews introduction to [[Wikinews:Writing_an_article|Writing an article]]
* Wikinews Journalists' [[Wikinews:Code of Ethics|Code of Ethics]]
* Wikinews newswriting [[Wikinews:Style guide|Style guide]]
* Wikinews [[Wikinews:Reference desk|Reference desk]], providing links to many reputable news sources
* Wikinews guide to [[Wikinews:Original reporting|Original reporting]]
* Wikinews [[Wikinews:Article flags|Article flags]] for use when an article needs editorial attention
[[en:Wikinews:Content guide]]