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Kzhr (会話 | 投稿記録)
Kzhr (会話 | 投稿記録)
→‎ウィキメディア財団のファンド・ドライブ: 中途ながら。2,3時間は編輯しません
:: Second, I just go by the general behavior of other large charities, which often have open fund drives. I assume they do so for a good reason. In any event, we should try it and see.
: [ウェールズ] よく、ウィキペディアンとして考えるのですが、自分自身の考えをその聴衆に投影しているのです。我々は予算を間近に見、(中略)数少ない人々です。
:; But is there a reason to call it a "drive" at all if there is no goal?
:: [JWales] I often think that, as Wikipedians, we project our own ways of thinking onto our audience. We are the sort of people who look closely at budgets and think about goals and achievability. That's great for us. But a lot of people are ready to trust us and will respond better to our big picture vision. They don't care to know in grand detail (though of course we will always stand ready to tell them) where every penny is going. They respond, instead, to an appeal to the aesthetic beauty of our project.
; 資金集めの催しはずいぶん控えめで、かろうじて認識できるほどです。集まった資金がそんなに未来のプロジェクトに重要であるのならば、どうして財団はメインページやそれぞれの項目のページに表示するなどしてそれを前面に押し出さないのでしょうか。
;: [ウェールズ] 実際にファンド・ドライブをやっている間はそうしますが、いかんせんどうしようもなく趣味がよくて、そんなひどくそれをぎらつかせなんかしていいのかと思うのですよ :-)
:; The fundraiser is very low-key, and barely visible. If raising money is so important to the future of the project, why doesn't WMF put it front and center, giving it real space and bandwidth on the main pages and even article pages?
:: [JWales] Well, we do that during the actual fund drive, but we're hopelessly tasteful of course, so I doubt we will ever be too horribly glaring about it. :-)