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Kzhr (会話 | 投稿記録)
:; You have become a cause célèbre, and famous with the rise of the Wikipedia project. Are you using your celebrity to encourage the rich and famous people you’ve come in contact with to make donations?
:: [JWales] Yes. I'm now a full-time beggar. :)
:; Many traditional charity programs spend the majority of fundraising dollars on fundraisers. What is the estimate for the cost of this fundraiser, versus what you expect to raise? To qualify this question; some of the fundraising ratios seen are upwards of 80% of funds raised go for fundraising.
:: [JWales] For the exact numbers, it will be best to consult with Mav (our CFO) and Michael (our Treasurer) as well as published results from past efforts. But obviously since the fund raising is done almost exclusively on the website itself (which costs no money), our efficiency is very very high. I don't know the exact numbers, but our costs are mostly just the bank fees and paypal fees.
:: I think it's terrible when charities are that inefficient. I think fundraising expenses should be as low as reasonably possible.
; シーゲンソーラー氏の項目を巡る論争はウィキメディアコミュニティの外の忿怒を高めました。いったい、この件がファンド・ドライブ中の協力や個人的な寄付にどのような影響を与えると思いますか。
: [JWales] 関係ないのではないでしょうか。単にニュースが一つあるだけで、ニュース自体はいつでもあるものです。なにかあったとしても、人々がわれわれのことをより深く知ったということだけで寄付が増えると確信してます。
:; The current conflict over the Seigenthaler article has raised some ire outside the internet wikimedia community; How do you think this will affect, if at all, corporate or personal donations during this fund drive?
:: [JWales] I don't think it will affect it. It's just news, there's always some news. If anything, I am hopeful that donations will increase just because more people are learning of us.
; この資金調達での寄付金をどのようにお使いになるのでしょう。ウィキペディアの信頼性を高めるために集まった資金を使うご予定は? 例えば事実確認係を雇うとかして。
: [JWales] 資金の主要部分は、いつもどおり、ハードウェアの購入資金に充てられます。いくらかはソフトウェアの改良に充てられ、これは信頼性を高めるのに繋がるものです。事実確認係を雇うことは考慮に入れられておりません。
:;On what do you intend to spend this fundraiser's donations? Do you plan to use some of the funding raised to improve the reliability of Wikipedia? For example, will you hire fact checkers?
:: [JWales] The bulk of the money will go, as usual, to hardware purchases. Some of the money will go to improving the software, which in turn will improve reliability. Hiring fact checkers is not being considered.